Brendon Kearns


Category: Black and White (page 1 of 20)

Byron Bay via Hipstamatic Tin Type

I brought my mju II along on a recent trip to Byron Bay in northern New South Wales, I had loaded it with color film expecting some bright sun but the primarily overcast days were lending themselves more to black and white- I downloaded the tin type package for Hipstamatic and ran with it.




A large pine on the northern end of the beach



The pass on the way to Wategos




The path leading to the most eastern point on the Australian coast





Tea tree lake at The Arts Factory




Lounge singer on the closing weekend of La Playa


A woman out on her hen’s night



This was my first time really trying to work with an iPhone as my old 3G couldn’t handle most modern apps, these were taken on a 4G model I was given by a friend who recently upgraded. I dont feel these look much like real tin types I’ve come across in second hand shops but that could be my using it to photograph whole scenes as opposed to portraits which I believe was the traditional use.

Collodion wet plate developing aside, I doubt even shooting for real tin types is as easy as using the app- I think the main draw was that I could use my ability to see in black and white with a quick auto focus to get a novel result in about any situation, it worked well for a vacation where I didnt feel inspired to do much outside of bounce from pub to pub and explore some nature.

Odds and Ends: U.S. Trip

These are a few shots from my last trip back to the states earlier this year

I’m a little late in finally getting around to them as I’ve been hitting an inspirational lull when it comes to my normal modus operandi of black and white street- I’ve taken the down time to begin a re-work of my portfolio site, order up a set of cards (via moo cards) and branch out by experimenting further with the porta 160/mju II combo.

My need to do an artistic rethink coincided well with the arrival today of Stephen Shore’s The Nature of Photographs. I forgot I had ordered it through Phaidon about a year ago as it ended up locked in perpetual back order status until enough demand accumulated for another container of stock to land in Australia- I’ve made it about a third through and I’m liking the general format in which it presents snippets of Shore’s insights and accompanying images.

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