Brendon Kearns


Tag: Black and White (page 4 of 4)

Found Photography: Horseback Riding in Australia

These negatives were wrapped inside a small piece of folding paper stamped with “Milson’s Photo Service 5 Hunter Street Sydney”. There doesnt appear to be any date or indication of the film stock but I would guess they’re from the 1930’s or 40’s based on dress and style.

They also came with prints of the above photos and a small set of 2 x 2 squares featuring some Australian landscape shots but these all seemed fairly average. I thought about scanning them in but without the actual negative I dont think they would come out to much.

The paper they came in has the name of Miss Poole on the back along with the cost of the developing and printing which came to $4.

Found Photography: Asia in Black and White

I recently stumbled across a crumpled up roll of medium format film at a second hand shop in Sydney; after holding it up to the light it looked like some fairly old images from somewhere in Asia- my guess is China but really have no idea.

The film stock was Ilford FP4 Fine Grain so that would place the shots between the years of 1968-1990 according to my brief wikipedia search.



The negatives were a bit scratched and since they were folded many times over, these were the only two frames I could cut out of the strip that didnt have a bend through them. Most of the other frames dont appear to contain much of interest, mostly just shots of a twin prop plane flying through the air- there’s one more of the woman with child but its pretty beat, I’m going to see if I can get it clean up and scanned in over the coming weeks.

Hunter Valley, Sydney and London

I headed out to the Hunter Valley for a conference at the end of June packing the OM2n with my cheap as 28mm 3.5

I spent the next roll taking shots of my room, a winery, the trip back to Sydney and some late night flash shots around Enmore after checking out Lucien Alperstien’s opening night

Then when I was able to continually forward the frames ad nauseum I realized the roll never caught on the winder- I had effectively been shooting nothing

But I took the M6 out to try my hand at shooting a mix of whatever film was left in my fridge at 400 or 800 ASA

Some dude’s bad ass Ute

Spent a little time trying out some Velvia 50 at the end- I had e-mailed Joel Meyerowitz about a year ago when I first was getting into street photography, I only half expected him to ever get back to me but he actually got responded within a day offering some practical and useful advice- namely, to try to rangefinder if I havnt yet and give Provia, Velvia and Astia a shot to find what works best

In hindsight, it seems like really obvious advice from him, but at the time I was roaming around with a 450D and a $100 nifty fifty having only flipped it into manual mode a month or two prior

I still dont feel like I can shoot color- I cant ‘see’ my shots in anything other than black and white, I have a bunch of 400 speed fuji superia I picked up cheap that I intend on using for practice when I have the time to really get into it

I flew off to the UK for business and managed to snag a couple days at the end for some shooting

Found some good signage whilst in London

Jumped in while he was posing for someone else- I was thinking of getting a few cards made up for moments like this so I can get some photos back to people who might be interested

I snapped this outside of Flat White in Soho– the only decent place I was able to get an actual flat white Aussie style

They have these bikes all over London- I think the way it works is if you have a UK credit card you dip it in the machine, grab the bike, and it charges you from then until you return it to another bike station around town

Framing up the shot

Not sure what was going on when I shot this one, but I liked it concept even if it failed in execution

These last two are probably my favorites out of the London shots- of the two day’s worth of free time, there was only an afternoon in which I wasnt too jet-lagged, hungover, busy saying hello to old friends or pre-occupied checking out the London Street Photography Festival to do some actual shooting

With its wide sidewalks and packed CBD I found it an entirely different shooting experience than Sydney

In some ways it left me feeling like Sydney was lacking in that the more people you have packed into a bigger space all going off in their own worlds the greater the likelihood for potential shots, but in other ways I felt like all the time I put in working for every shot I could work out of Sydney paid off- I think Sydney is a great place to learn street photography in that its extremely safe for a city of its size yet its still personal enough an environment that you have to be super sensitive to the feelings of your subjects in a way you could probably get away without in a London or NYC

I began reading Teju Cole‘s Open City on the flight over and just finished it off tonight, I found it as awesome as the reviews pumped it up to be and thought it worth mentioning since he dabbles in street photography himself- while the book has little to do with photography, if you are interested and looking for a hard copy in Oz you might have to wait until September before you can get it anywhere short of Amazon

Newtown Graveyard

Few shots from the Newtown Cemetery






I’ll be in London next week for work so I’m hoping to catch a little bit of the London Street Photography Festival and find some time to burn through a few rolls myself- should have something to show in a few weeks time

More Street Shots – Sydney – The Rocks/Manly/CBD

Finally worked my way through the rest of the rolls from a couple weekends ago

Finished up a roll at the rocks with the Nikonos V in the rain




Spent some time out in Manly








Came back through Circular Quay






And spent the rest of the time just shooting through the CBD




















Apologies for the dust in the sky on some of the beach shots-

Should have more coming soon from the Live Meat Export Rally and a quick run through Newtown’s graveyard

Update – June 25th 2011

Just picked up a slew of rolls I had dropped off last week- while I wont have much time to get through the scanning this week, I figured I would post up some shots off one roll from the M6 and another from my Nikanos V test roll

Firstly- the M6 shots:









Since I had my 50mm back on it made a world of difference for my framing compared to the 28mm shots I was pulling with the OM2- after using that wide of an angle I tried to get back to basics and capture some single subject material towards the end

I was trying the meter-off-the-hand technique to keep it exposed for skin tones but everything seems to be about one half stop under- I’m not sure if its the meter going in my camera, some misjudging on my part or something to do with the cloudy conditions and diffused light that came with it

Now, for the Nikanos V:







The Nikanos was a little tricky to shoot with since it doesnt focus via the viewfinder- its more akin to a rangefinder that can only be focused on the lens by setting it within a given range based on aperture

The photos seem to have a fuzzy dream like quality compared to the sharpness I get out of Leica but it was fun to take out since I didnt have to worry about it getting soaked and the 35mm lens was a good change of pace

In other news, the Imaging and Entertainment Expo 2011 is going on all weekend down in Darling Harbour- I was able to catch a few hours of it this afternoon and watched fashion photographer Peter Coulson give a brief how-to on working with studio lighting at the Hasselblad booth

I’ll post up again when I manage to scan through the other 9 or so rolls kicking around

Update – June 23rd 2011

I’ve been thinking about buying a wider lens for my M6 than the Summicron 50 I currently use, so in an effort to try some different focal lengths I spent the last half of May playing around with an Olympus OM2N and a 28mm 3.5 Zuiko

I shot a few street performers and buskers around Pitt Street Mall




Took a few animal shots- mostly around Newtown and Glebe






Most of the street came out with a lot of dead space, I wasnt accustomed to using something this wide and my instinctive framing was use to the tighter 50mm leaving me with some awkward shots in the end







And finally a few nature shots



I even slapped on a Quick Auto 310 flash I picked up at Smile Please down on King Street

Most of the frames were blown out since I had no idea what was doing with it but by the end I was getting a little better- I set the distance in meters and passed it to my girlfriend who took a quick shot of me over a few drinks at the Green Room

I feel like I would need a few months solid of shooting 28mm to feel comfortable with it- I spent the Queen’s Birthday weekend out in the rain shooting with a Nikanos V I bought explicitly for the Sydney winter, its 35mm felt about right for my street shots so I’ll see how those came out in the coming weeks

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